This is a sex scene and facial cumshot. On scene two, she gives all the patients blowjobs and she gets several handfuls of cum which she does a lot of cum-play with. She'll suck up all the cum out of her hand and then empty it back out, then in the end she'll swallow it down. I think by the end she swallows two huge mouthfuls of cum! Scene three is some hardcore sex and cum-play. A bunch of guys are locked up in a cell. They all cum into this long tube thing that gets emptied into a bucket of cum. She has sex with one guy and she licks cum off a camera lens. After this a bunch of men cum all over her body. In scene five, she takes a pill and swallows it down with a small glass of cum. Then with white hair she gives blowjobs to a room full of men. She gets a ton of cum and plays with it for a very long time. She will empty her mouth of cum onto her hand and then lick it back up. At the end she swallows it all down. In scene seven she's on an examining table and has what looks like a feeding tube attached to her. Of course since the feeding tube fed her what looks like cum, it runs out and she needs more. A bunch of men come up and cum in her mouth. Her mouth is filled with a ton of cum. Eventually some guy takes a small spoon and stirs all that cum around in her mouth and makes it all foamy. In scene eight she licks cum off a mirror. On the last scene she is back in the jail cell area from an earlier scene. She has sex and then more cumshots and cum-play. |